Jul 18, 2008

Sneak Peek 7.18.08

This week, our "Journey thru Genesis" arrives at the story of Jacob & Esau. It’s not a pretty story.

You’d like to think that with Abraham as your grandpa and Isaac as your dad, the boys would turn out to be little angels. Instead, you discover a family in which conflict is the norm.

It's easy to identify with this story, because conflict in relationships are a fact of life. No one is immune to it.

Some people view conflict in exclusively negative terms. Often, that’s because their experience with conflict has been largely negative, and they bear the emotional scarring to prove it. But conflict isn’t always negative. Surprising as it may seem, it is possible to please God and be a great testimony if we handle conflicts in a God-honoring manner.

That's what we'll explore together this week.

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