Jun 11, 2008

My Utmost 06.11.08

It's Vacation Bible School week at Prince Street Church. Each year, I am amazed at the sacrifice so many adults make to participate in this marathon event. By Wednesday, the novelty of VBS has worn off. Nerves are getting worn. Patience is being tested. And people start looking forward to Saturday. So, in the midst of all that, today's reading was especially helpful. Here's an excerpt:

At the most unexpected moments in your life there is this whisper of the Lord— "Come to Me," and you are immediately drawn to Him. Personal contact with Jesus changes everything. Be "foolish" enough to come and commit yourself to what He says. The attitude necessary for you to come to Him is one where your will has made the determination to let go of everything and deliberately commit it all to Him.
". . . and I will give you rest"— that is, "I will sustain you, causing you to stand firm." He is not saying, "I will put you to bed, hold your hand, and sing you to sleep." But, in essence, He is saying, "I will get you out of bed— out of your listlessness and exhaustion, and out of your condition of being half dead while you are still alive.

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