Parents quickly learn about the impact of people on their kids. But this lesson isn't just for our kids, it's true for all of us. Take, for example, what God's Word says, "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm" (Proverbs 13:20).
We know this is true. But what do we do about it? Let me suggest two parts to that answer:
- Some of us need to be a little more intentional about connecting with people. I know that requires risk, but if you take the risk, very often the people you come in contact with often become providential relationships that God uses to grow your faith.
- Some of us need to become more available for God to use as a providential relationship. Often providential relationships begin with very awkward moments, but if we'll be bold enough to be willing to have a hard conversation, we make ourselves available for God to use in a powerful way.
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