Feb 8, 2009

Sunday Rewind

Today was week 2 of our series called “Changed”, a study of the book of Philemon. Last week we studied the changed life that Onesimus experienced when he came to faith in Christ. Today, we looked at how God wants to change our thought processes. If we look at thing from God's perspective, everything changes.

In my sneak peek, I shared a card trick with you. To remind you, here it is again:

I promised to show you how it's done. And promised that when you saw the solution, everything would change. I'm a man of my word. So, here's the big reveal:

When we see things from God's perspective, he allows us to see:
  • the good through the bad. There's a lot of pain and trouble in this world. But God's goodness is all around us. The problem is that many of us are so locked into the bad that we can't see God's goodness. But, God’s perspective allows you to see things that were always there, but you never saw before.
  • the purpose through the pain. Do you remember, "Formerly, but now"? Some of us are in the “formerly”. The "but now" hasn’t come, yet. If that's you, learn to ask a different question. Instead of asking “Why?” ask “What?” God, What do you want to show me…what do you want me to do…what do you want me to see. Those are the questions that will help you see the purpose through the pain.


Pat said...

Thanks so much for the big reveal...made me crazy all weekend.

And I love how you incorporated that into your message.

Your so creative! You must have learned that from your big sister!

E.P. Hulsey said...

Glad to see video up and running at Prince Street. Very cool development.

Jim Bolich said...


Thanks for the compliment. In the interest of full disclosure, this idea was drawn from the work of Craig Groeschell at LifeChurch.tv.