Jul 8, 2008

When the Kids are Away...

I'm enjoying another week alone with my bride. Why?

My older son is at Boy Scout camp. It's a big stretch for him, and us. It's the first time he has been away from home at a place we've never been. We haven't heard anything, so I'm assuming he's having a great time.

My younger son is at Church camp. It's a stretch for him, too. It's his first week away from home on his own.

Tonight, we're celebrating our time together by doing something we've wanted to do for a long time. A local restaurant periodically serves a 5-course "Taste of Napoli". They only do it on Tuesday nights. Since we usually have meetings or kids activities, we've never had opportunity to go.

But tonight, it's off to Napoli. I'm looking forward to the meal. But the best part with be spending time with Janet.

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