Jul 7, 2008

Sunday Rewind 07.07.08

Yesterday, we looked at one of the most intense and dismaying stories in the Bible. God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac (Genesis 22:1-14). It’s a situation that required the radical obedience only faith can provide.

As the story begins, we know that this is a test. But Abraham doesn't. So, it's not not Isaac that's in danger. The danger is to Abraham and his relationship with God.

As the story continues, we see that this isn't a story about child sacrifice. It's a story about faith. God ask Abraham to release his most valuable resource. Abraham acts in faith, and God interceeds. Abraham’s faith produced radical obedience.

The reality is that God isn’t going to ask us to sacrifice our children. But along the journey of becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ, there are many times when obeying God will be a difficult decision.

So, how do you build a faith that produces radical obedience? One decision at a time.
  • Saying yes to God in receiving God's gift of grace in salvation grows your faith.
  • Saying yes to God in daily interaction with Him grows your faith.
  • Saying yes to God in participating in ministry grows your faith.
  • Saying yes to God in pursuing holy relationships grows your faith.
  • Saying yest to God in striving to live the Christian life grows your faith.

Every time you say yes, your faith grows. As your faith grows, radical obedience will be produced. And so on... And so on... And so on...

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