Jun 9, 2008

Sunday Rewind 06.08.08

Yesterday, we launched a new sermon series called, "Journey thru Genesis". Each week, we’re going to examine a key story that centers on a key character in the Book of Genesis.

I began with story of Noah because I covered Adam, Eve, the consequences of sin, and God’s actions to enable humanity to return to relationship with Him a couple weeks ago.

As I was studying, it became clear that this story isn’t about what most people think it’s about. It's not about the ark, the animals, the water, or even Noah's family. Focusing on those things will keep us from discovering an essential truth that has the ability to revolutionize our relationship with God and each other.

What is that essential truth? God keeps His promises.

That might not sound very deep, but I have a confession to make. Sometimes I can have difficulty trusting people. Some of that is because of the deception I have observed. Some stems from the deception I have experienced. If we're not careful, we can find ourselves injecting the poison of cynicism into all relationships. But the greater problem is that our cynicism can affect the way we view God.

The story of Noah demonstrates that God keeps His promises. He remains faithful to his covenants, even when we don't. That means we can trust Him, no matter what.

And because God can be trusted, we can risk trusting each other. Check out Hebrews 13:5-6: "God has said, never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. So we can say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afriad. What can man do to me?"

Yes, trusting people is risky, but how much risk is there really when you know that God has your back? We can risk trusting spouses, employers, public officials, friends, pastors, church leaders, and each other because God keeps His promises.

That leaves us with a decision to make. We can choose to allow our mistrust of people to poison our relationships with God and each other. Or we can choose to trust God and allow Him to bring healing to our relationships.

As for me, I choose trust. What choice will you make?

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