Jan 6, 2010

The Fight for Family Worship

My highest priority as a parent is seeing my sons know and love God. Far more than I want to see them succeed at school, sports or Scouts, I want to see my boys experience a deep relationship with the One who created, called, redeemed, adopted and gifted them to do great things for the Kingdom of God.

I have always known that an important part of that process is family worship. That is, spending time together reading and talking about God's Word and praying together. Over the years, we have made several attempts at establishing this discipline. But the same problem keeps derailing us...scheduling.

It's not that we don't have the time. All of us have time to do everything that is important to us. The problem is finding a time that all of us have together. I am often out of the house in the evenings and let's just say that mornings are often not a terribly godly time in our house. Even dinner times get bumped around, and by the time we make an eat a meal together, I'm often finding myself running out the door.

But on vacation, we had a conversation. After attending a wonderful worship celebration at Hopewell Christian Fellowship, we talked together about what each heard God saying to us. We all came up with the same issue...we need to fight for family worship. After talking about the options, we decided that if we eat dinner at 5:30 pm, we should be able to include a time of family worship.

On Monday, we began. We failed to eat at 5:30, but I didn't have a meeting, so we just moved things later, and had a wonderful time of worship. Last night, dinner didn't happen until nearly 7:30, and the boys still had homework. We caved, and missed our time.

But tonight is another opportunity. We all have activities at church tonight, but there's no homework. So, it's on to round 3. Pray for us.

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