Oct 27, 2008

Sunday Rewind 10.26.08

Yesterday, we wrapped up a 2-week series called, Fanatic. In it we looked at a subject that’s a big deal to God…worship. Last week we explored the truth that each and every one of us was created to worship. When God was weaving you together in your mother’s womb, He dropped the DNA of a worshiper deep into the core of who you are. So each of us has been worshipping our entire lives. It’s just who we are.

But, what is real worship? What is right worship? What’s appropriate? What’s not? That’s the question Jesus dealt with one day with a Samaritan woman. His answer was that true worshippers worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:19-24).

What's that look like? Here are 3 attributes that I find in God's Word:
  • True worshipers worship with awe. One of the original 12 disciples' name was John. Late in his life, God revealed Himself to John in visions which John wrote down. We know these descriptions as the book of Revelation. John was not new to the miraculous, but when he came face to face with God in all his glory, he just fell flat on his face (Revelation 1:12-17a) When was the last time you were struck or broken by God? Last week…month…year…when? Friends, time is short…God wants real worshipers…people who worship Him with awe.
  • True worshipers worship with abandonment. We know exactly what that looks like. Go to Penn State on any football weekend and you'll see great worship happening. There's just one problem...it's the wrong god! Meanwhile, the next day, in churches all over PA, people gather to worship the right God with weak worship. The book of Psalms includes these instructions: Shout to God; Dance before Him; Run to Him; Lift your hands; Clash the cymbals; Clap your hands; Lift up your heads; Make a loud noise. These aren't tips, they are instructions. Try breaking one of those out next week, and see what happens.
  • True worshipers worship with their life. Romans 12:1 makes it pretty clear. Worship isn't a song. It isn't the offering. It isn't the prayer time, the sermon, communion, or any other individual act. Worship is offering our bodies. God doesn't want your money…your Sundays…committee participation… He wants your life…everything…24/7…

God is looking for true, authentic, real worshipers that will give Him everything. Will you be one?

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